Judging (Bodybuilding, Figure and Athletic)

Prepping for the 2022 season don’ t forget to put the hours in on the posing practice. It is one thing to build a great physique in the gym and another to show it off to its full potential on the stage.

If you get the chance go and watch a competition and talk to other competitors to learn all about the requirements and tips. All the prep you put into judgement day will reap many rewards.

Judging takes place over three rounds;

Round one is the symmetry round
Round two muscularity/physique
Round three free posing

Round one

For all classes, each competitor will assume a semi-relaxed stance facing the judges.

On request by the head judge, the competitor will perform quarter turns in an anti-clockwise direction, pausing at each new position until asked to continue.

At the completion of the turns, the competitor will be in his/her original position.

Round two

For the judging of both male and female classes:-

Compulsory poses for the male and female bodybuilding class:

  1. Front Double Bicep
  2. Front lat spread
  3. Side Chest ( either side)
  4. Side Tricep (either side)
  5. Rear Double Biceps
  6. Rear Lat Spread
  7. Abs and Thighs
  8. Most Muscular (not female classes)

Miss Athletic (open hands)

  1. Front double bicep
  2. Side Chest with arms and one leg extended
  3. Side Tricep with one leg extended
  4. Rear Double Bicep with heels crossed
  5. Abs and Thighs

Miss Figure (open hands)

  1. Favourite pose to the front
  2. Favourite pose to the side
  3. Favourite post to the rear

Round three

The final round is the free posing round. For both male and female classes.

Each competitor performs a routine of their choice to their chosen music for between 1 minute and 1 and a half minutes depending on the contest. For the figure class this takes the form of a T Walk.

In round one the judges will be looking for the symmetrical and aesthetic qualities of the physique while in round two they will be assessing muscularity and condition. Round three allows the competitor to display their physique to its best advantage disguising the poorer aspects whilst projecting their best towards the judges.

All classes are judged the same in round one and three whereas in round two Miss Athletic will be judged on musculature and conditioning; Miss Figure will portray a softer appearance to the other female categories and their asethetics and symmetry are of paramount importance. However, they must display a physique that has been well trained.