Goals and action

Action is much easier if you have a goal. And the goal is greater if it will make you happy.

Sometimes goals are better together

It doesn’t matter if your goal is to play for England or to be fit enough to play with your kids; to run a marathon or to walk to the bus stop, the achievement is the same when you get there.

Once you have your goal let’s break it down into a set smaller goals that will get you there and make up the journey.

What you are creating is the recipe for your success. Like a recipe we need to identify all the ingredients and the steps to take in order to make the end product. And most of all we need to remember there is cooking time…. so we need to be prepared to work hard and to wait or enjoy the journey.

EVO Bake Off winner

And if like me you are not brilliant at cooking – it might not work first time and you may have to try again, change the ingredients and the cooking time but with perseverance you will succeed.

So, take a little time to think what’s your goal (it’s not got to be massive) it might be just to get to the gym or go out for a run.

Once it’s set you are off.

Telling someone about it makes it more real. Committing to achieve it in front of your friends or people who can help you.

At those moments when your mojo is low and you don’t feel like taking action, picture the goal, picture the feeling it will give and 1,2,3 go – do the gym session, ring your pal, clean the house, go for a run – you will feel better after……