NLP Techniques – Mirroring

It’s not quite what it sounds….. Ever wanted to be a little more supported, motivated or committed.

Have you heard of NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming

This is the art of influencing behaviour (the ways we think and act) through the use of communication. By understanding how we think we can re-programme the brain to react differently to stimulus.

To take this to a higher level we would advise undertaking an NLP course however there are some basic tips and methods that’s are accessible to all of us,in fact we all use NLP already innately to varying extents.



Mirroring is the simp,e process of mimicking behaviours to build rapport. We all do this naturally to some extent but we can get better at it. It is extremely hard to dislike someone who is mirroring you, however this is only true if it is subtle and appears to be natural. Otherwise it’s a little disconcerting that the person you are with is copying your every move and word…. Like an annoying little brother. This is the difference between a good conversation and a punch.

Mirroring can be achieved by copying any of these things:

Speech patterns
Body language
Vocabulary style or specific choices of words
Pace, tempo, pitch, tone, volume

I know someone who adopts the accent of whatever country they travel to, this is a little extreme but is an unconscious act and probably an innate desire to mirror.

Mirroring is conducive to good communication and building rapport. Give it a go and watch out for it happening naturally between groups of people. Mirroring an accent is a little too obvious and often has the opposite effect.

The more different something/someone is from ourselves, the more we fear it/them. This is why mirroring is so effective, it is the art of making yourself more similar to your chosen person. This builds trust at a subconscious level.

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About billybicep

50 something who wants to share a little. DFAC Professional Natural Bodybuilder,, DFAC World & Miss Universe Champion 2012. Dog lover, horse lover and general carer about nature and the world. I am an expert in very little but have managed 50 years of gaining memories and knowledge. If I can share some of that with you in a positive way - we both benefit.